AR Domestic Appliances

Kitchen appliances are supporte by AR technology



Even in everyday situations, AR can offer a wide scope of application. Especially the kitchen could be the perfect environment for AR usage. Users could see oven temperatures or even recipes through AR glasses.


AR technology is adaptable to almost all appliances out there. Companies could develop dedicated AR applications for their devices and deliver them to customers through app stores. This freedom provides great marketing potential to the companies while improving user-experience as well.


Wide use of AR glasses would be a requirement to really invest in the technology. There is also a big risk that users see is a nothing more than a little gimmick but not really a must-have.

Take away

So, as of right now, AR assistance with domestic appliances might seem useless. But with the rapid development of AR and dedicated goggles, it will become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. And with that, these sorts of systems will become relevant and certainly very convenient. 



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