Product-Configuration with AR

Even the simplest of AR solutions can make day to day life so much easier. Apps that allow the user to, for example, virtually place furniture in the room to test it out, can be incredibly useful and are comparatively easy to make. However, AR has the potential for far more interesting use-cases.

AR Configurators not only allow for the virtual placement of, say, a couch in a room. They allow users to configure them as well. What colour matches the carpet best? Do I go for the small or the medium size version?


This is of course beneficial to the users, which AR helps immensely when facing hard and possibly costly decisions. AR Configurators are also simply a very attractive way of presenting a product. This, in turn, is good for the seller. They can save and make loads of money by having customers that make the right decisions. Both because of reduced return rates and more convincing product presentation. Especially if the solution is embedded into a Website.


It would be unfavorable for the user experience and thus for the seller to require the download of an app. This only makes the potential user's journey unnecessarily long and difficult. First, they may have to dig out their cell phone, navigate to the app store, search for the app, and then download it. Alternatively, configurators can be conveniently integrated into websites via WebAR. This way, these problems can be bypassed elegantly and without compromises.


Augmented reality configurators are extremely profitable eCommerce tools, especially on the web. Their great strength also lies in the fact that they are not one-sidedly useful, but offer equal benefits to both sides (supplier and customer). The technology is currently under active development and is already ready for use.

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