Remote Assistance with AR

A worker wears AR Goggles while receiving help from a coworker



When a worker needs help on-site, and there is no expert in close proximity, they can get assistance through shared augmented reality. A video-chat allows the expert to see what the worker sees. Notes, annotations, and instructions can be drawn into the AR-environment in three dimensions, 'sticking' to the objects.


First and foremost, companies can save on travel costs and time for the experts. Or rather, one supervisor can work with a multitude of workers. It also allows customers direct and cost-effective access to professional expertise, again, saving time and making the user experience better.


The most obvious challenge here is the learning curve associated with the technology. Integrating a new app and maybe a new device into the workflow may take additional time and money for training, but that depends on the employees. And of course, there will be certain situations where AR just can't beat personal, on-site help. It's not a solution to all situations - though, what is?

Take away

While not being the perfect solution for every problem, remote assistance in combination with AR can save time and money. Especially when personal help is not an option, shared AR can save the day.


ABB Ability


With Team Viewer Pilot, the company offers Remote Assistance technology to everyone.

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xmReality has developed software for Augmented Reality Remote Assistance that also allows annotation in 3D space.

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